
I'm back, and with updates, and stories out of heaven and hell!  Okay, not really, but I will be working on new stories while fixing others. I'm so sorry I was gone for about 3 years... I was in some hard place, but hopefully I'm getting better. So please loves, give this girl a chance again?


I'm back, and with updates, and stories out of heaven and hell!  Okay, not really, but I will be working on new stories while fixing others. I'm so sorry I was gone for about 3 years... I was in some hard place, but hopefully I'm getting better. So please loves, give this girl a chance again?


Does any one know anything about this person? ficgapothou1986  Their account says that their account only became active as of seven days ago. They sent me a message stating that I have been selected to get "VIP Status". followed by an outer link. I don't want to click it, seeing as to how this does seem kind of sketchy.... Does anyone know anything about this? :o


Oh well, I just won't bother with this then! Thanks friend! :)@coolkat122


@Arctictfox Nope sorry I don't.


HOLLY CRAB CAKES!! I AM SO SORRY GUYS! I WILL BE COMING BACK, I DIDN'T REALIZE SO MANY PEOPLE STILL READ MY STORIES!! D: I FEEL SO HORRIBLE!! I finally managed to get my life back a little on the upside of things and I thank everyone who kept checking up on me! Though I apologize to those whom I haven't welcomed or greeted in joining me and reading my stories! My apologies, please message me if you started following me in the past few months! I would like to thank you and get to know you! Please and THANK YOU SO MUCH! I will be coming back and coming back STRONGER and (hopefully) BETTER THAN BEFORE!! :D


You're welcome. No problem. I truly do apologize for all the bad you are experiencing. I hope things get better for you soon.


@Nickyree2015  Thank You, there is no need to apologize, it's just something that I have to try to pull through... though it won't be easy... it's already starting to hit me pretty hard.


Okay, I was on the verge of losing my home, but now I think I'm stable enough to continue my stories, I apologize for the inconvenience. I'll try to get back to writing my stories starting off with(well more like continuing off with): Beautifully Cursed, followed by Chaotic Romance.


I FINALLY GOT AROUND TO UPDATING "PURE DESTRUCTION" Ch. 11!! Next up on the list? ~"BEAUTIFULLY CURSED"!!!  Also, feel free to check out my new story!! :D Heck just read the info on it and see whether it's worth your time or not! :3 SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT ON THE CHAPTER! THANK YOU ALL AND STAY AWESOME!! :D


Soooooo, I'm an idiot... I was supposed to continue and post up my stories, but I left town to go celebrate Christmas with my family....and I left my laptop at my place.... aaaand... well, yeah, there went my stories. I cried when I realised halfway into the trip to visit my family that I HAD left something important at my place... I'M SUCH AN IDIOT!! DX PLEASE FORGIVE ME!! ;3;


@Arctictfox Another thing that happens to me and Np :)


@PewdieGirl5555  Thank You ! Also, sorry for the late reply! I just found out I got a reply from you and someone else!! >A< UGH!! My account hasn't been working properly since the update!!!


@coolkat122 I JUST NOTICED YOU COMMENTED!! I'M SO SORRY! I didn't get a notice saying that you replied!! But thank you for understanding!! You have no idea how worried I was!! ;A;