
I love Your Fur babies!
          We have 5 Golden Retrievers
          And 1 Great Pyrenees (110lbs and thinks he's a Chihauhau!) He can jump onto a round hay bale (about 5 ft) then go to the top of the second level which is about 11ft high no problem. 
          He's still a puppy at 15 months. He will barrel around the corner and leap onto your lap with no warning! Hence his thinking he's a chihuahua!
          Google them if you don't know the breed. The best description is a white St Benard.


We use to see  Ben when we walked at a local park who was a great pryeness.  I never realized they could jump so high. Cali and Nova are both two. Nova turned two in November and Cali birthday is April


Well my tenth surgery is complete. I see my orthopedic doctor the 18th of November to find out if that one part of my bone has started healing. I have a part in early Sept I was told is only 50% healed. Then the Plastic surgeon who had to do skin grafts on Dec 2. 
          I have started writing but haven’t posted anything. I have two different books I have going on. One Is part of the shun series, but hit a block. So started a second one. I am happy with how that one is going right now. I hope to be to posting soon.


@ArdenTownsend I hope your healing goes smoothly! I will be thinking of you and sending good vibes.


Many have asked where I have been? They asked about my sequels. There has been a legitimate reason I got less seen this year. In December 2023 I broke my ankle. Well the break had complications. It became septic. This lead to a total of nine surgeries. Later on this week I will have my tenth unless doctor postpones it again. (Been postponed three times.)
          I have been either in hospitals or rehabs recovering. I have been home but it has been slow on the healing. 
          I do however wanted to announce I have started writing again, but haven’t posted them yet. I want to make sure the stories have a great start before I start posting. So I am working on an outline for it.


Hey Arden! It's been so long, I hope you're doing well. I was recalling my old friends from Wattpad and I knew I had to talk to you. Where have you disappeared, old friend? I miss you and your work, especially the wolf pack that I've come to love. 
          On another note, would you be willing to help me with my academic research survey? I need diverse opinions on the Representation of the Indian Queer community on Wattpad and I'm sure your voice will add incredible value to my research. Or if you know anyone who might be interested in helping, that would be great as well. 
          It'll only take 5-7 minutes to complete the survey. Your responses are completely confidential and your consent is very important.


hi hun! I would love your help with something please -  i'm more than happy to pay you for your time and effort, i'm looking for werewolf books that have a similar vibe, beautifully written, good plot and well developed characters like the one in my reading list please. i'm really struggling to start something and i'd love your help. Again I completely understand this is a lot to ask for and i want to pay you for your effort because we seem to have very similar tastes:) thank you


@escobarcumslut I did tag you to the book I was referring to. This book gives the author name and shows one of their books. I have found these authors if they have one I rated 4 paws normally their other books are very highly rated too.


I am not sure what you are trying to start, but I can direct you to stories I consider very good. Find the book called four paws story on my list. This means these authors had I think great plots, stories, etc.