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@Ardisheer you have not stated a single fact, and you know that. Also, you didn't tag me in your last message, so I didn't see it until I came to see what Tiffany had said to you.
Literally, nothing you're lying about makes sense, this is entirely idiotic.
And Delilah was not upset because you "didn't do what she asked", she was upset because you called her a criminal and continued to insult her after she asked you to stop a.k.a. HARASSMENT. Jesus, it's not that hard of a concept to grasp.
And your 'thesis' and 'not being in a specific class' is bullshit. You've contradicted yourself multiple times now, stating that you're 'just trolling', then that you're in a 'class' who's laughing at us, and then that you're 'in uni' and that 'it isn't for a specific class', and I could go on.
You should at least sort your lies out, before you tell them.