
@xomaherxo atm i dont remember you. If you could put up your dp or gimme a hint then i might remember you. Only if i knew you. Lol


Hey girl, I got a question for you. How did it feel to prepare yourself giving Olevel exams?  :p


@Intuition17 hahhaha i'd totally agree with youu on this one!! :D :D 


@lionheartqueen99 you know I felt like that too. But on first day, I almost lost my nerve and was shivering with cold. When I came out of an examination hall, my head was about to burst. But that was such an ecstatic  feeling. Later it seemed good to back again and again to that new environment  :D 


@lionheartqueen99 haha, well, it felt a bit hectic since my exam timetable was too packed up like i had 3 papers at same day etc.. And i started preparing properly like i guess 2weeks before my first exam :p Apart from this, the atmosphere at the examination hall is like totally different, very calm. It was very relaxing it didnt seem like we came to go 'IGCSE Exams'. the atmosphere was totally different from the exams we used to give in schools! It was a totally different and great experience preparing for olevel exams and then giving those exams! 


@marwahfazel lol english is always fun is maam farheen ur teacher? :D nopes, i aint studying private. I changed my school :)


i hope too, though maam avoune is good too :)


Nah we have this  new english maam, maam avouyne ( thats her speeling i thnk :P) 
            Well shes good and old might i add.