
Hello everyone.. I'm happy as well as tensed today.. Today my school life end and my university life will be started but i don't know which subject to choose .I have a lot of subjects in my mind and I like all of them equally what to do?  
          	My dear friends, followers can you suggest me something easy something nice and some good subjects for students like me?? 
          	I would like to get some answers from you please.. .I will be waiting.


Hello everyone.. I'm happy as well as tensed today.. Today my school life end and my university life will be started but i don't know which subject to choose .I have a lot of subjects in my mind and I like all of them equally what to do?  
          My dear friends, followers can you suggest me something easy something nice and some good subjects for students like me?? 
          I would like to get some answers from you please.. .I will be waiting.


hey my dear followers and friends please do read my new book which is sure to be published soon......and from I mean soon is like after 3- 4  days........... today just I published the introduction part........hope you all will like the story.
          also if you find it some how offensive please do tell me or inform me about it is my first story it might be somehow poorly written mainly about plots ...  :)  (^_^)


          Sorry for plugging.
          But I just wrote my first story and I was wondering if you could give me your feedback. And Please Vote!


@Jojoreader148     yea sure..
            I love reincarnation types of stories


Hello Areena! 
          Sorry, I don't want to intrude, but I noticed you being a follower and reader of fantasy and romance authors. Maybe you’d like to give the supernatural fantasy-romance ‘Regent’s Blood’ by M.J. Stephanos a chance as well. I’m a fan of her book and I think she deserves more readers and followers. 
          Best Regards boredoutsyndrom


@boredoutsyndrom.    thanks for the recommendation, I'll surely read it.