FINE! FINE ILL SAY IT! I’m tired of the “OC is treated like a weapon but the team treats her like a human” trope! Found family angst is only fun when it’s not the same story over and over again
Same thing with “OC could very well be the female version of Robin, bird name and all. Only difference is black canary is the mentor” like guys… i PROMISE you there’s more names for heroes out there than blue bird/blue jay/sparrow.
Like- it makes me want to write another yj fic where I do the “Batman has two protégés” troupe without involving the league of assassins, batcest or the term “girl power” being the main motivation for the book.
Okay, I’m done hating and being a hypocrite. I eat up those fics but they get so boring at times I GOTTA shuffle fandoms