
haven't been on wattpad in months HELP- i might finish my books but i lowkey dont ship rusame anymore. i'm still a huge CH fan though, only came back cause my friend sent my a rusame oneshot to read </3
          	i really apricate the support i have gotten on my books while i was gone though!


haven't been on wattpad in months HELP- i might finish my books but i lowkey dont ship rusame anymore. i'm still a huge CH fan though, only came back cause my friend sent my a rusame oneshot to read </3
          i really apricate the support i have gotten on my books while i was gone though!


Small little update! 
          I now have a update schedule :D 
          It'll be down below
          When will new chapters be released? 
          Every other Saturday 3pm/16:00 EST (1-3 times a month) 
          What order will each book be updated? 
          1: Final Dance
          2: My oneshot book
          3: Our ordinary life
          The next update will be my oneshot book so look out for that soon! Also I'll make sure to say when I won't be able to update for a while. 
          So that's all for now, have a great day/night my lovelies! 


          I'm remaking final dance.
          ik I'm being like very lazy with my book and stuff. So thats why I'm remaking it, its been getting slight traction and i don't want some book i made up on the spot to be what I'm known for. I've already planned the entire book so expect the new and improved chapters to come out this month with the 4th chapter as well. (Ill try my best not to procrastinate) I've recently started to get motivation  i really like the new plot! Sorry for the newer people who just recently read it but the plot will be a bit different soon. I've also gotten better at writing! Since i actually started to finally  pay more attention in literature and language class- (high school is boring okay)
          For people who doesn't wanna read allat:
          Final dance is being remade and 4th chapter is coming out soon. Also new and improved writing.


I'm redoing all the chapters I have out so far so expect some changes to them. It may be big changes or small, i'm not sure yet. I just wanted to redo them because I didn't like how I did them. the grammar also REALLY SUCKS, so yeah. Sadly there won't be art anytime soon since my phone has given up on me. <3