My fourth chapter of Lost Boy is going to be up on Saturday 7/9. I've been thinking about having a regular schedule for updates; meaning i would put out a chapter every saturday. How's that sound?
My fourth chapter of Lost Boy is going to be up on Saturday 7/9. I've been thinking about having a regular schedule for updates; meaning i would put out a chapter every saturday. How's that sound?
I've been on a little vacation for these last two weeks, and it's been nice. I'm not going to make excuses, the long and short of it is that life got busy and I crashed. Chapter 3 will most definitely be up somewhere between this morning and tomorrow afternoon. Thank you for your patience and I really hope you enjoy.
Lost Boy chapter 3 is being delayed until Tuesday. I really thought I'd have it done before I left for Disneyland. I'm very sorry. I will update you if anything changes.