Hey everyone, it’s been a while, we know. Our last announcement was in June in regards to just saying thanks for the support. Ari and I both have an announcement about Shipwreck Cove:
We have decided to unpublish Shipwreck Cove, and start all over.
Now we have have a few reasons for doing so, mainly because the two of us noticed that Shipwreck Cove hasn’t gotten another reader, comment, or vote in about one or two months. No new interactions. We also noticed how we’ve made a few mistakes in regards to the story and formatting, and we just want Shipwreck Cove to be the best it can be. Ari and I are both very passionate about this book, and like I said, we will be taking the story off Wattpad for a while to work on it together. Everything will still be the same, the characters and story and such, but some things will be cut, some things with be added. We’re just totally revamping the story.
Thanks for understanding,
Ari and Seth