
I'm going to apologize ahead of time for any typos in chapter 31. I was working on it on the back of a hot, bumpy bus, and I'm sure you can all guess how well that went. I did my best to work them all out, but the little bastards like to stick around.


I'm going to apologize ahead of time for any typos in chapter 31. I was working on it on the back of a hot, bumpy bus, and I'm sure you can all guess how well that went. I did my best to work them all out, but the little bastards like to stick around.


Sorry for the radio silence, I swear I'm still alive and working! My main manuscript has been consuming my life (Chapter 17 has been a real pain) and Songbird's Cage has once again been moved to the back burner. The beginning of the next chapter is sitting in my notes, staring at me. It will be published eventually, hopefully soon!
          Thanks for sticking around <3


Phew! Sorry for such a long wait on the update. I know it was cruel to leave people hanging. I've been hard at work on my non-wattpad story, and Songbird's Cage sort of fell off the radar for me :( so go forth and read the latest installment of Lark and Rory's adventure!


I really like your story 'Songbird's Cage'. As well as that have you tried self publishing? I know that Amazon offers it.


Thank you! I'm currently seeking an agent for my finished manuscript of a different book. Personally, I think that there are too many downsides to publishing through Amazon, like being blacklisted from small bookstores due to monetary issues. If finding an agent or publishing company doesn't work out, I'm open to self-publishing through a different provider though!


An FYI about Songbird's Cage: I changed a character name (he's only been mentioned once by name so far) in chapter 19. Bryn has changed to Bastion.
          I'm so picky about names and I only used the original name because I needed to get the chapter out. But I finally found the name that suits him!


Just a quick note, a Songbird update will be coming out before the end of the week! There were some setbacks with getting the update out (some unexpected work shifts, and losing my notebook with half the chapter in it) but I'll get it out as soon as I can.


i'm currently reading your story "the songbird's cage", and i just have to say, it's amazing! it's very well written, and i really like the plot! i'm already looking forward to your next update, hehe. x


Thanks! Glad you like it. Songbird is the story I update most often, so you're in luck!