I wanna make a book where I post quotes that are helping me get through this dark time I'm going through. I fought do hard to leave this dark place but I'm here again and I know many of you can relate so I want to share what helps me because maybe it can help you and I just want to save some lives the best I can with my words and other people's words . Any of you think it's a good idea ?
I wanna make a book where I post quotes that are helping me get through this dark time I'm going through. I fought do hard to leave this dark place but I'm here again and I know many of you can relate so I want to share what helps me because maybe it can help you and I just want to save some lives the best I can with my words and other people's words . Any of you think it's a good idea ?
I wanna make this a message thread with people who like throwing ideas out there that they have for stories cuz like I'm curious what you guys have as far as ideas especially for my most recent works. Also I wanna communicate more with my readers y'all badies
@AriesCiel I'm late and haven't read any of your work yet, but im about to start one of your books and excited bc they description sounds really good :)