
Writing is hard


New chapter for NASAR is out!!! Read and comment. Tell me your favorite character so far. I'm sorry for the long wait, but dont forget to enjoy the fact that it's finally here. I love all of you guys even if most of you are here for my other story. I'll be updating that soon as well.


Hey guys, I temporarily unpublished Like Rain And Wind And Summer. Don't worry, it'll be right back. I just want to take some time to actually develop the plot and the characters, because the last chapter started to sound like bad fanfiction due to the fact that I was just trying to make the chapter upload deadline. Which brings me to another point, from now on I'm not going to have a strict update schedule for any of my stories. None. I'll still try to update regularly, but deadlines make me anxious and when I take time to write thing they turn out so much better.