I, Ari kim in my all consciousness i take this swear that i will support My 4 girls in any situation no matter what i'll stand by them till last they are home my love my everything
Happy birthday to my Lili
Lili is 26th now i can't believe such a cute baby she is, she is my muse my idol my inspiration my hope my reason to hard work my love my everything, i hope she will achieve more successe in future as she deserves all the world, Lili i love you so much just be happy and smile 4ever ♥ #26EdelweissForLISA#TheGreatestLalisaDay#락스타_팝스타_라리사_생일날
Describing about him who is coming in my dreams from past few days:
There comes an certain man and gives me some clue
He was 6 feets tall
And His eyes were fucking blue
HAPPY JENNIE DAY (16.01.2023)
Happy birthday day to whome i admire the most You're so beautiful, and talented-you have a smile that could brighten anyone's day. At this point in your life you have achieved so far,I hope this will continue in Future