
Dear god you freaks still read my Teen Wolf stories?? I should probaply rewrite them all, it’s been so long since I wrote those and my English wasn’t that great back then... 


Aw thank you <3 Glad to hear someone thinks so! :’D


They’re great


Dear god you freaks still read my Teen Wolf stories?? I should probaply rewrite them all, it’s been so long since I wrote those and my English wasn’t that great back then... 


Aw thank you <3 Glad to hear someone thinks so! :’D


They’re great


So I deleted my book called Faves because I was not too happy with it. I might start writing a new one like it sometime soon but we'll see. Atm I am working with a GoT oneshot book and hopefully will get it ready for publish soon ❤️ Thank you for your constant support on my older works, it warms my heart people are still enjoying them ❤️ With love, Arisa ❤️


Aaand I decided to delete my latest update on My Wonderland because it started to feel more sillier and sillier for me to even write about stuff like that so yeah... :'D But just know that yes women can have facial hair too! Actually all of us have it, some just have it more visibler than others and it's compeletely normal in most cases ❤️


Hi everyone! Just updated Faves after literally 3-4 months, wow! So if your interested in knowing bits of my autumn so far and a little bit of some anxiety stuff feel free to go and check it out ❤️ With love, Arisa. Also Faves has 666 reads atm, bomb! :--D


Thank you so much Wattpad for finally co-operating with me and letting me publish a new chapter on My Wonderland!! Though not about Tracon yet sadly, but about something totally equally amazing! So if you're interest in what made my Monday a super Monday go check the newest chapter out ❤️ With love, Arisa.