
-Dear followers, Annily and I are extremely sorry for the lack of updates for My Perfect Imperfection. We both have been extremely busy with school, work, and family matter. We apologize that we are not the type to upload everyday or a bazillion times a day, we have things to do. A new chapter is in the works and will be up ASAP.  (´ε` )


-Dear followers, Annily and I are extremely sorry for the lack of updates for My Perfect Imperfection. We both have been extremely busy with school, work, and family matter. We apologize that we are not the type to upload everyday or a bazillion times a day, we have things to do. A new chapter is in the works and will be up ASAP.  (´ε` )


Thank you to everyone who has followed us recently.  We are sorry for taking FOREVER to update! We haven't found any free time to write lately with school ending quickly. But, with summer close by, we will he uploadin a ton! We love you guys a lot! Be patient :3