I'm sorry for going MIA for such a long time
m(_ _)m I was too occupied with school and school task and instant school called cram school. And....what's worse is that I don't know what kind of evil spirit that has possessed me (prob avarice tho ( ▪▪ ) ✧) that made me took a part time job...which is cutting my free time to the roots...And probably none of you will wonder how I was able to post a new story...but, I'll still tell you (ノ≧ڡ≦) the new story, ephemeral solstice is the result of my friends pestering me all week to write. It was the story I made based on the game we played and our exchanges in it(+my modification +'little' delusion +a little coughliecough, err I mean 'spice) Oh and also I was rushing it as my mom was already angry that I didn't study tho it is midterms tomorrow :v so I couldn't manage to write the description and check it again and give it a cover(I'll try doing that tomorrow .-. hopefully :v) btw I have not in any means abandoned The Witches' Coven, I'm just stuck at a place to the point that I, myself got confused with it .-.
......you really read all of this? (。ŏ_ŏ)
btw if you found any errors please contact me on TH-E CH4T 030)