
I’m baaack! If you haven’t noticed already, I made a few updates to “All of Space and Time” sorry for the 2 1/2 year wait, but for those of you that wanted a continuation. Well you get your wish.
          	Now on to series 12 we go! 
          	After the New Years episode of course.
          	And before you ask, we will be going into the flux series. Now whether that’s gonna come out in the next year or so  is a penny in the air but I will try my best. 
          	I’ve posted the first two chapters of resolution in the AST book so look for that there. I just want to say, I’m really gonna miss 13. Her regeneration getting spoiled for me made me start writing again and I binged the Flux. So thank you for that, but also fück you  


If it didn’t get spoiled then I wouldn’t be writing  


I’m baaack! If you haven’t noticed already, I made a few updates to “All of Space and Time” sorry for the 2 1/2 year wait, but for those of you that wanted a continuation. Well you get your wish.
          Now on to series 12 we go! 
          After the New Years episode of course.
          And before you ask, we will be going into the flux series. Now whether that’s gonna come out in the next year or so  is a penny in the air but I will try my best. 
          I’ve posted the first two chapters of resolution in the AST book so look for that there. I just want to say, I’m really gonna miss 13. Her regeneration getting spoiled for me made me start writing again and I binged the Flux. So thank you for that, but also fück you  


If it didn’t get spoiled then I wouldn’t be writing  


Are you going to be continuing to do 'all in time and space' because I really loved it and want to know what happeneds next and for the next seasons. If not I understand. 


I originally planned on doing series 12 but I just haven’t been feeling the writing. If I wanted to do it I would have to rewrite the whole series  thats to much work.
            I plan to give it a proper ending tho so I might do the New Years special and wrap up the whole story there. 


Hello darkness my old friend, I’ve come to see you again…
          Y’all I’m alive! Did you know that? Anyway I just wanted to check in and see how you all were. I know it’s been a while and I know I promised I would write a sequel, but I don’t think I will go through series 12. I will probably write a short story to give this one a proper ending. (I know your twin being locked up and plotting escape is a bit of a cliffhanger) so I will get that covered eventually. 
          Now for the cringe topic (maybe) rn I’m really into twilight lol. Long story short my power went out for a week and I had nothing to read other than the first twilight book… also the movies were on Netflix when I got power back. So naturally I decided to watch the movie after reading the first book. That’s when it happened… that’s when my mind went down the rabbit hole and Alice over here (that’s me) was all into twilight. But she wasn’t happy with cannon. Oh no. She wanted to make some edits. She loved one character in particular and one thing led to another and that is how “Pain Until Perfection” was born!
          So if you are into that give it a read. I basically add Van Helsings into the twilight universe but I give them my own kinda lore. (As usual it is cross posted on AO3 as well) 
          If you aren’t into sparkly vampires, my random one shot book is filled with other fandoms. I have supernatural, Star Wars, Sherlock, and even a Call of Duty Zombies one shot… yeah… anyway that’s where my time is going at the moment. Hope y’all are doing good and stuff!
          With love,


Lol wow, ok thanks for the vote of confidence to help get you out of your depression. It’s an AroXOC story and I’m currently writing chapter 24 right now, I’m like a hundred words short of my word count. 5k bare minimum per chapter.
            Its currently a reasonable hit on AO3 so I figured I could cover my bases if I posted it here. I hope you enjoy, this one is vastly different from my doctor who story and follows it’s own plot and story line, as well as me trying to fix the ending to breaking Dawn Bc lets be honest… the Volturi just leaving very ominously with a vague threat doesn’t sit right with me.
            I hope you fall in love with Kathrine, my OC. I shes a Van Helsing and does give DW y/n vibes Bc I based both off of my own personality (kinda) no body really says anything on my AO3 like I got 900 views and like two comments from readers the rest are me and my friends talking  it’s pretty sad… anyway tell me what you think. Even if you are nit picking, or you prefer something over another. If it’s to tell me it’s trash, if it’s to tell me it’s great I give zero Fs hit me with the comments plz.
            This is a long response Lmfaoooo I’m sorry  
            ~ Arkham 


@ArkhamKn1gh7 Write whatever you want to write :) 
            I'm currently going through depression right now so I think Twilight will be good for me - it did help me out in the past. It helped me stayed sane tbh lol. 
            Life and Death is my favourite book out of the whole franchise. I tried reading Eternal Sun and I gave up nearly half way through it because seeing things through Edward's pov was really depressing lol! :)


I’ve been off of Wattpad for way to long y’all. It just took me 20 minutes to figure out how to type on the damn message board omg.  
          On a side note I got a new logo I made! It’s a combination between the three video games I hold dear to my heart. CoD, Assassin’s Creed, and the Batman Arkham Games. You may have seen it before as it used to be the Cover for The Huntress book.
          I wanted to talk to y’all, as my followers, old and new. I know you all support my decisions when it comes to writing, but what do you want me to write? I’m starting to get out of touch with what fandom I want to write for at the moment. So comment below and tell me what you, or the majority, want to see.


Do all of y’all only care about my Doctor Who story? Like I feel you only like me for my DW storyline. I get a few likes here and there in my other stories, and I want to post more than just Doctor Who, but are any of you going to read them? Be honest with me.


I would just like to point out that my doctor who one shot book, is higher than my main story in the same tag .
          Also shout out to my peeps who put my random one shot book in 464th place in the call of duty tag, and 478th in the what’s wrong with me tag.  


@ArkhamKn1gh7 there is something wrong with all of us


Sorry I’ve been gone, especially to those who are patiently waiting for a new chapter of my Doctor Who book. I’m not back with that yet, but I could make a book of one shots. (Not Doctor Who) I could post one shots I’ve written for different fandoms and just make them an X reader instead of an OC. 
          Please, if you actually enjoy my writing and want to see more. Let me know, and I could post stuff. I have a few things from Harry Potter and Supernatural. As well as some stuff for video games like Assassin’s Creed Syndicate and even a few one shots, and potential a full on book, for the Call of Duty Zombies crew.
          So if any of this stuff interest you, I’ll gladly post that stuff in the meantime until I get my groove back with Doctor Who.


You make me blush, who would’ve thought a girl like me, (who lives in the back woods of nowhere America) would have this much adoration for a simple idea I had and decided to write about. There would be no story without y’all. 
            With love,


this message may be offensive
@ArkhamKn1gh7 Your writing is absolutely incredible. I love reading the WHO one shots and All Time And Space (or whatever it's called lol).
            But yeah, as much as you're amazing at writing. Always remember that you are Human. Shit always gets in the way. No matter what. If you ever feel like taking a break, I and many others, will seriously respect that.
            Your life comes before your writing.
            We will always be there to support you :)
            From Wales,


@ArkhamKn1gh7 I love your writing, although I do really like your doctor who fanfics the best. Anyway, continue, I don't want to disrupt your amazing writing!


I’ve taken a break for these past few days, and unexpected one. Family stuff came up and I most likely won’t get the next chapter out until sometime tomorrow evening. (EST) unless by some magical miracle I can pull it off tomorrow morning, in that case, I will start believing in the tooth fairy, Santa Clause, the Easter bunny, you name it.


I just made the mistake of riding a mini bike around my neighborhood with no gloves or helmet on, and it’s like 45 degrees outside. The stupidest idea I had all day.


I was out riding for like 15 minutes, it was a pretty drive with the sunset and all but cold as sh!t


My own stupidity 


@ArkhamKn1gh7 oh no? What possessed you to do such a thing?