
Wow that is very deep. I really respect your journey and want to grow. Are u originally Jewish, Christian, or Muslim? I'm a big fan. Can u follow me? 


@CheeriosToFruitloops I was raised in a Christian culture, although I've never been baptized or subscribed to any church. (My mother believed that everyone should be allowed to choose their own religion. ) Not long ago I discovered that I have some Jewish heritage and seem to have some Muslim ancestors too.


I'm Assuming that you are religious, just slightly confused why you point out the beauties of Judaism and then praise Jesus. I absolutely love the way you write though. 


@CheeriosToFruitloops Religions are cultural and social institutions. I am not religious but I am a Monotheist. I believe in the one and only God of all people regardless of their religion. My journey happens to be mostly, but not exclusively, through the Abrahamic religions that spouted from the Middle East. I find many answers in Judaism, Christianity and Islam that bring me closer to God. I suppose I do have a bias towards Jesus as a spiritual guide, but the Jesus I understand is a lot more complex and connected to the Abrahamic tradition of prophets than the majority of Christian religions imagine Him.
            Also, I'm very glad you enjoy my writing. Thanks again!