
The last chapter of Extortion is going to take longer than I expected. I have to add more scenes and change up how the story was progressing, as I didn't like at all how it was turning out.


@ArmageddonC104 Something tells me things are REALLY gonna hit the fan.


@ArmageddonC104 yeah... doesn't mean I have to be happy about it... can't wait to see how you wrap it up, and what other ideas you cook up later


@Hister_Visk All good things must come to an end my friend... 


Quick question, will you ever plan on doing a long running v x reader story eventually?


@Riot64813 At the moment, no. I have other stories lined up that involve other characters that need to be done and I need to try and focus on [null]. I've noticed that I do better writing when it comes to the more brief stories as I have a bunch of ideas I want to put down and focusing on one or more long ones makes it more of a challenge.
            Still, if I think of any good V stories I will be sure to make them. Hell, someone made a request that involves her AND J. I'm sure you in particular will like it.


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Now this is a nice writter. Honestly getting some inspiration from the messed up shit you put in your stories so I can write mine own (Of course, just being inspiration.) But seriously, dude. You know how to cook, lol.


@Swordsmachine I cant describe how happy I feel right now! It's so alien to see people genuinely enjoy the work i put out and aid them in crafting their own projects... I wont let you guys down! I'll do my utmost to make my stories as engaging possible!


I agree with you when it comes to how it is 'harder than I initially thought', lol. I am currently writing my fic and I honestly struggle some times when it comes for the sentences. Likely even going to re-write a few things exactly because I think they are boring in the state they find themselves in. Still, you make awesome stories to my view which I honestly felt uncomfortable reading some things... Don't understand it as a critique, but more like a compliment. I myself am going to use the uncomfortable factor writing my story when I want a heavy scene. Like: "hmm, this idea is so messed up I am feeling freaked out by just thinking it... Lets write it down :D" Coming to the fact that it basically got me attached to the characters and seeing them in said situations some times makes me slightly freaked out but wanting more. It is an awesome immersion on what you are doing, man.
            Wish you luck and I hope you keep with your awesome work.
            (Despite my favorite character being Alice, I'll admit that V is not very far in the list, lol.)


@Swordsmachine While I wouldn't take pride in the depravity I conjure, I am glad it is helping you achieve your goals! I really do try to make my stories the best they can be. It's...harder than I thought it would be, even making a simple sentence in a way that doesnt sound generic or boring is difficult at times, but I try to push through and make ends meet. If i dont actively try to improve myself, I can never uphold the spirit of an artist, can I?


A fellow V enthusiast I see


@Riot64813 You're very welcome!


@ArmageddonC104 aye she don’t get enough love and fanfic dedication on this app as she should lol I appreciate what ur doing 


@Riot64813 I do give her more love than others in my stories, don't I? Lol 


The last chapter of Extortion is going to take longer than I expected. I have to add more scenes and change up how the story was progressing, as I didn't like at all how it was turning out.


@ArmageddonC104 Something tells me things are REALLY gonna hit the fan.


@ArmageddonC104 yeah... doesn't mean I have to be happy about it... can't wait to see how you wrap it up, and what other ideas you cook up later


@Hister_Visk All good things must come to an end my friend... 


Say question on the story extortion… last chapter V ruined Y/N’s relationship with Uzi because of her selfishness and lust, but I know for a fact that Y/N is gonna try to try and fix things , but going in and talking to her straight up won’t help, but he needs evidence to show her what happened, revealing to Uzi that v was the culprit behind this…..right?


@Randolph1205 That's the thing, there is NO evidence. All that could be done to help his case is having the guards that witnessed the situation at the 3 Doors vouch for him, but they have shown they don't see him and V's "relationship" being forced and that it's all consensual. So, unfortunately, (Y/N) has to try and convince her by being as sincere as possible. I am currently working on the final chapter, so the events that will transpire will unfold when I deem it is ready for everyone to view.


Hey, surprise, another question.
          You said in an earlier ask that if Y/n’s father was captured/killed that Y/n would get farther, and cyn would catch him.
          How exactly does that pan out? More specifically, how does Cyn catch him?


@WaffleXDthecoolerbro If you survive the lethal snuggles lol


@ArmageddonC104 Makes for a good conversation topic, though.


@WaffleXDthecoolerbro Yep. Being chased down by an eldritch robo maid is a hell of an experience 


Visited something called Dronebooru and I have to say there are a LOT of good Insert Fics


@SalomaBasha Search for something called Geeen Text by using one of the tags, specifically Reader Insert or Anon. Those are the one's I use for most of what I find.


@ArmageddonC104 How do I find the fics? So far I only found pictures.


@ArmageddonC104 thanks for the heads up. May have to check it out


Just out of curiosity, when’s your next book?


@WaffleXDthecoolerbro Not sure at the moment. I'm slow when I write my stories so it'll be awhile before I get both the last chapter of Extortion done and the next book started.