
In case you didn't see in the a/n of The Next Prime, I will be putting that story on hiatus. I started writing that during quarantine when I actually had time to do stuff. But then I started to lose motivation to write once things started to open back up. I might get back to it at some point in time, but for now it will kind of be on the back burner for a while.


In case you didn't see in the a/n of The Next Prime, I will be putting that story on hiatus. I started writing that during quarantine when I actually had time to do stuff. But then I started to lose motivation to write once things started to open back up. I might get back to it at some point in time, but for now it will kind of be on the back burner for a while.


Noobmaster69 has been officially identified! He was identified in a promo for The Falcon And The Winter Soldier. In the promo, Sam speaks to an Apple store employee named Arron, whom we see in The Winter Soldier. Arron talks with Sam about the newest Xbox and mentions that his gamer tag is NoobMaster69. Honestly, it would've been amazing if the theory about Loki being NoobMaster was true, but I think it's just as funny that Arron is NoobMaster of all characters introduced.