Hey guys! So let me start off with a HUGE apology. I am SO SORRY that I haven't updated Secrets in 8 MONTHS! This past year was my first year in college so it was a bit hectic. So I'm almost finished with the next chapter and it should be updated soon! There's only going to be 1 or 2 more chapters until the story is done (I think) so hang in there! Again I'm SO SORRY and THANK YOU SO MUCH if you actually continue reading this story after so long! <3 <3
Hey! I just wanted to say thanks for keeping up with my story, Drizzle! I'm really happy you're still reading it and you are one of my first true followers. Thank you so much!
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a couple weeks.. I've been swamped with senior year stuff.. So, I'm working on ch. 17 now and hopefully it will be up in a few days!