
Hello guys,
          	I'm here to announce that I've cancelled my story "Lunaris" for many reasons.
          	First of all when I was trying to write a chapter I felt like the story wasn't how I imagined to be when I started it, so I thought "Why do I have to continue a story that I don't like?" and also "Why do I have to write a story that I don't know how to continue?".  So I chose to delete it.
          	Maybe I'll write it again with a different plot and in a different way, but for now I have a lot of books in my mind that I would like to publish.
          	I'm sorry again but you know: a book it's good if the writer it's happy about it.
          	Anyway I hope you're not sad about it and I think I did a great thing because it hadn't many chapters and views that could upset my readers because I deleted them.
          	That's all from me <3


Hey!!! How are you doing? Am going start my story today after so many mental and physical struggles wish me a luck ☺️<3. Actually it's a story which I wrote in another account but the email got deleted so I am going write same story in this acc. Pls support me bestie✨


Hey bestie, I uploaded my story.. Go and check it out 


@Serendipity_1327 ohhh thank you so much bestie ✨


@Serendipity_1327  I'm so happy that I'll read your book 


Hello guys,
          I'm here to announce that I've cancelled my story "Lunaris" for many reasons.
          First of all when I was trying to write a chapter I felt like the story wasn't how I imagined to be when I started it, so I thought "Why do I have to continue a story that I don't like?" and also "Why do I have to write a story that I don't know how to continue?".  So I chose to delete it.
          Maybe I'll write it again with a different plot and in a different way, but for now I have a lot of books in my mind that I would like to publish.
          I'm sorry again but you know: a book it's good if the writer it's happy about it.
          Anyway I hope you're not sad about it and I think I did a great thing because it hadn't many chapters and views that could upset my readers because I deleted them.
          That's all from me <3


Hey sweetheart!!!
          How r u ???
          How's everything going on??
          I just... wanted to... you know.. talk to you... just.. like that *hehehehe 
          It's been a while 


            Thank youuu ♡♡ 


@Nutaellakookies07 your photo profile it's cute


            Oh goshhhhhhh 
            The HI at the startttttt
            Ahhhhh I love yoiuu smmmmmmmmmm ♡♡
            Hhehehe.. thats normallll 
            Ah.. I'm doing welllll ~~~ 
            inner me: HELLA FRICKIN NERVOUS 
            EXAMS? (I almost typed it exmas ) 
            They're from Tuesdayy :) 
            Ay, I know sweetie... talking to you feeelssssss soooooo mychhhb gooodddddd # bestiesssssssss 


Heyyy I saw you read All Mine Jimin FF is it good??? I've been seeing it everywhere and wanted to read it, but I don't want to start something I wont be interested in...Soo is it good? Worth the read?


@HaileyLashay14  Followed back ^^
            Thank you for the follow♡