
Hey guys! 
          	I thought I'll update the devil's heart within somedays seens one of my reader wants to read it and she is someone who actually cares a lot for me like my other readers and I don't feel good to say no 
          	So yeah I'll update it just 4 more votes on part 2 and the target will be completed 
          	Let's see when those 4 votes will come...... 


@RacharlaSri always mine? ALWAYS MINE! OH SHI- calm down I FORGOT ABOUT THAT * biting nails nervously * I'll try to update don't be angry * innocent smile * I'm your sweet innocent author na di * innocent puppy eyes * bye * childish smile *


@ArmyWorld500 your target was completed author now please update 


Hey guys! 
          I thought I'll update the devil's heart within somedays seens one of my reader wants to read it and she is someone who actually cares a lot for me like my other readers and I don't feel good to say no 
          So yeah I'll update it just 4 more votes on part 2 and the target will be completed 
          Let's see when those 4 votes will come...... 


@RacharlaSri always mine? ALWAYS MINE! OH SHI- calm down I FORGOT ABOUT THAT * biting nails nervously * I'll try to update don't be angry * innocent smile * I'm your sweet innocent author na di * innocent puppy eyes * bye * childish smile *


@ArmyWorld500 your target was completed author now please update 


Some are unfollowing while some are following me \( ̄▽ ̄;)/
          Don't know why ヘ( ̄▽ ̄*)ノ


@ArmyWorld500 ok and all the best for ur chemistry exam and if ur free in evening or tomorrow plz update ok


@ArmyWorld500 I'm waiting for ur updates u know but u still think about that readers who didn't give u love and care of ur stories and u said some are following and unfollowing they are just hate ur story writing because u make ur story excellent so don't worry about them and think about urself and ur following readers ok and update soon devils heart with lot of baby kookie moments plz if ur free today update today and complete this book first then u can continue other books if u think why I say like complete this book means u can't feel any burden u have so many books so that's why I said first complete this book and concentrate on this book first ok noona plz update soon devils heart today plz


@SwathiNakka I'm kinda stuck with chemistry so I don't think I can update today and after the followers then I'm not upset at all I just told it in fun nothing serious 
            It's their choice to unfollow me while I'm glad who follow me 
            And thank you for your care ^_^


I think most of you already know I discountineed the stories? Maybe you do and maybe not but now as I'm trying to think I decided I'll write 
          My special thanks to one of my reader, she asked me why I discountinued the stories and she made me understand I'm wrong at this point 
          Now a days I feel so vulnerable, because of study pressure, people keeps on saying focus on your studies, they taunts me saying if you don't do now you can't you do it later 
          This makes me sad and frustrated, I can be strong, but imagine when your parents taunts you? 
          Ok I talk too much 
          I'll write 


@ArmyWorld500 And Now do you understand why I asked you not to delete the stories?? See, As your 'friend' I know you more than you do maybe but atleast I'm happy that you understood....


@ArmyWorld500 Sweetheart this is just a phase of your life okay.. Just understand one thing hun whatever happens every single thing will have a reason.. and it depends on you that how you take it.. If you think negatively you will feel it as a taunt .. but trust me just think this in a positive way.. you will feel it as a different motivation.. Life always doesn’t revolve around studies hun… everyone has a different way to do it.. just manage your time do something which makes you happy along with it study too cause the society now we are at actually require that piece of paper with our marks tho that doesn’t define you.. just know that is a medium for your goal.. hmm… Take care sweetheart ❤️


@ArmyWorld500 you know authornim even I get these taunts but I don't loose hope do what makes me happy and study hard,people always finds ways to taunt us even if we are perfect people taunts,just brush it and move forward.If you spend few mins on what makes you happy doesn't you are destroying your life,but if don't enjoy now you cant enjoy in future know just go forward and love yourself and believe youself


Can I know why u discounted all ur stories is there any problem with readers plz continue stories atleast tell us the reason 


@SwathiNakka its ok noona don't apologize and keep ur mind in peace and happiness and make ur heart positive ok when u gonna free update devils heart and first complete this book then u complete another book noona if u write all books in once u feel stress and frustrated so complete one one book so devils heart complete first noona and all the best for ur studies and exams take care urself don't think about those readers who make u low ok


@SwathiNakka ok ok calm down I'll complete hmm I really wonder why everyone is not like you but actually I also have exams so I just can't think straight and in frustration I ended up thinking I won't write 
            I apologize for my behavior 


@SwathiNakka first complete one story then complete one one stories and be positive noona and complete first devil heart story plz ur readers waiting for u 


@ArmyWorld500 Just delete it and call me your friend...
          Dare to do it and see the real me...
          I may be too much childish and forgiving but only a handful of people know that I never like when I ask for a favor and people just ignore....I'm not throwing any tantrums but just please......
          But Ji Won-shii, Don't worry I'll surely tell you at school (If you come on teacher's day) *evilish grin*


Just delete any of your books and call me your friend, Ji Won!! AND I'M DAMN SERIOUS 'BOUT IT!!!!!!!


@JEM_theVamp7842 and may I know why stopped me from deleting it? 


@ArmyWorld500 Because maybe I don't read but then I dont wantt you to take some stupid steps ahead but its your decision and i respect that but inspite of that I know why i stopped you from deleting.....
