
What's the point of sleep when you have to be up in a few hours anyways XD


@colemana I understand your way of thinking 


LOL I have a list of BxB, and I believe there's some non BxB stories in there. I'm going to have to go through it but.. eh.. anyways,
          You should go check out my main authors (they are just simply awesome at writing, and have great stories)
          **two of them write BDSM books so if you know you are not into that then please don't read the books, you can still check them out though and see. I'll put a star next to them** <-- that thing
          @Fhanth **
          @Snape75 **
          Well they are just a few of my favorite authors on here :) please do check them out, and if you 
          Need any more books (that don't /do have BDSM in them) then please throw me a message on my wall or in private doesn't matter.


Hi @colemana
          Thank you so much for following me as well as all your votes and comments on the Phoenix's hypothesis!
          It's deeply appreciated! :D


@Fhanth OMG! Anytime! Thanks for writing it! XD
            I hope Anthony is going to be alright  (I know he will though because he's strong AF)