Hey those that actually look here! I get a lot of questions and such saying: "Will this story be continued?" And I'll just say it here: Yes. Most, if not all of my stories will be continued. They just take a while due to life, and a lot of other smaller things within the stories themselves.
A lot of the time I get imagery in my head that I wanna put into words. An example would be the most recent Chapter in "Celestial Hatred" A few different Imageries that I wanted to use were: "Melding into a Flush wall" And "A Train Barreling in a poorly lit Tunnel." As such, I tried to write them, but sometimes they ended up awful. So I'd scrap them. I put quite a bit of effort in them, and it takes me a while until I come up with something I'm satisfied in.
So Just know, that My stories will be continued, they'll just take some time to come out for each. Thanks!