Bro, I can't seem to get my priorities right as instead of working on chapter 6 of To Be Diligent, I'm instead almost finished making chapter 7 and 8. Dawg I for real am starting to hate the bloody chapter ;-;
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Bro, I can't seem to get my priorities right as instead of working on chapter 6 of To Be Diligent, I'm instead almost finished making chapter 7 and 8. Dawg I for real am starting to hate the bloody chapter ;-;
Bro, I can't seem to get my priorities right as instead of working on chapter 6 of To Be Diligent, I'm instead almost finished making chapter 7 and 8. Dawg I for real am starting to hate the bloody chapter ;-;
Yeah, maaaate. Black Sun, my favourite. Just a little name spelling correcting, and the fanfic will be good
Hi there! It's certainly been awhile, huh? How has it been going for you lately? Anything been going on?
@Sweet_Berry_Chan Sorry for the late reply, didn't get a notification for some reason... But seeing that you wanna make your own story sounds amazing! Absolutely excited for your story when/if it releases And as some useful advice that would have helped a me a TON back when writing Black Sun. If you feel doubtful of your abilities, make a bet with yourself. "I'm going to try [Insert Ambition]. And if I don't get anything out of it, then the voice in my head that tries to protect me from wasting time and feeling negatively about myself will win" And then you try that [Insert Ambition] for three months. Now you have documented evidence of your growth You compare the two time periods and ask yourself, are they different? Have I progressed? And then you go back to your old work and you realise... Wait a minute, my old stuff looks like shit. My new stuff looks a lot better Congratulations, you've won the bet
I've been doing fine myself! Nothing really important going on besides school. Glad you're doing well! However....I have been wanting to write a story. I mean, no I haven't (the motivation isn't entirely there yet and the ideas are scrambled-) But I've been thinking. I want to do something before that though and I don't know if that should include cleaning up my current account or making a new one and starting from scratch. But I'll make the decision! Eventually....
Hey! How's it going?
Hi! I'm checking in again. How are you doing :)
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO- Ok I understand your thoughts now. Yeah I was completely confused- Also, the wording of "to avoid making Black the literal daddy of the Impostors"- Quite suspicious if I do say so-
@Sweet_Berry_Chan Let me get this straight, Black is the parasite, not the human. His body has been long gone eaten and is under Black's complete control I also figured that a parasite only becomes an Impostor when they've taken over a host. Because you wouldn't call a caterpillar a butterfly just because it has the potential to do so? Allow me to reiterate, Impostors are the parasites, not their humans hosts. They're both completely different entities With that said, it would make sense for a hostless Impostor to be EXTREMELY young after they're first birthed, like maybe only 1-3 days at best. And when an Impostor takes a host, the human/whatever life from the Impostor takes hold of will meet a slow death because to the Impostor, having a second consciousness operating their newly infected body would certainly be a hassle So there you have it, Impostors infect and kill their host from the inside. Takes their body as their own. Becomes an entirely different entity who wears the skin of their victim just for the hell of it And to avoid making Black the literal daddy of the Impostors, each parasite is fundamentally different from each other, kinda like the quirks of MHA. It's only when one of those parasites takes over a host and begins to *cough* *cough* "reproduce" is when a family tree starts. And thus is when the passing of so called abilities towards descendants begin
@Aron_Zander So, in this since...are you saying that Black got infected at a young age and grew up with the parasite? Or perhaps something else? I always interpreted it as Black getting infected slowed down his aging process, or at least preserved his body. Due to in mod Black visibly having his appearance changed to be bigger and have different modifications, I suggest that either Black had the parasite long enough for it to modify his body to the parasites needs or that the parasite modified his body from the get go and it was just a matter of getting used to the changes. At least from my stand point. We also don't know when Black got infected in correlation to the mods events, and his age isn't really known (at least I think-) so at this point it could be anything!
Ur in 1 spot for fnf congrats!
@MonotoneIX Thanks! Quite surprising considering that I haven't updated it in a while due to *cough* *cough* writer's block, but I truly hope that I can get back to working on it
Hey there! I know it's been a good while, but I just wanted to check in and say hey! How you've been doing? Been up to anything recently? :)
@Aron_Zander I'm terribly sorry for your loss, and for not contacting you for a while. I know that dealing with things like that aren't easy. A lot of other people has felt as dejected as you are when dealing with the loss of a loved one, I have as well. You aren't alone. Your lack of motivation for working on your fanfic is perfectly excused and at the moment, something unimportant. For now, I only hope that you feel better and regain your health and motivation. Or receive proper therapy. Just know I am willing to be here for you if you need it. And I truly wish you the best. :)
@Sweet_Berry_Chan Sorry for the lack of communication but I've currently found myself in a recession of motivation. After the funeral of a cousin that I treated like my own little sister, I've just been very down lately. So I'm ashamed to admit that as of now, I've made no significant progress on my fanfic. Despite that, I truly do appreciate your thoughtfulness. I admit that it's basically the only thing keeping me working on Black Sun, so thanks for not only being an engaged reader but also a good friend
Hi! This is hella irrelevant to Black Sun but still. I guess if I'm coming to you for something other than that it shows you I actually care about you. Anyway, onto something very trivial- Basically, I want to draw something but I ain't really got anything in mind- I mean, I plan on it being Vs Impostor related, I just don't know what. But I do have to say the "Vs Impostor but Human" trend is starting to become a thing and I personally take interest in it. I just don't know who to do first- Ideas pls- "Prayer hands emoji" "Heart emoji" "Sad eyes emoji" (Again this is really stupid and irrelevant, and you probably have better things to do but I'm funkin' stumped, and I've been kinda dead. Maybe I could post it in my art book or whatever-)
@Aron_Zander Ya'know, wasn't exactly what I expected or was looking for, but I appreciate the tips! I could try them out. Tbh I'm just bored with artblock and wanted a sussy to draw to fill in the time. I just didn't know who to draw so I came to you to be like "Give me a bean to draw to fill my boredom" and I got art tips, which I happily accept. I'll try em out and get back to you on that. :)
@Sweet_Berry_Chan And if you really want to take it to the next level, then try making Black next. Make sure you make his aura extra gloomy, cause if ya screw it up then it ain't gonna fit his character
@Sweet_Berry_Chan First of all, start of small. You ain't gonna be making pieces of the get go. I suggest drawing Impostor's like White, Red, Green and Pink After that, you try adding shades. Smudge some corners to add depth to your character's But to be honest, I don't really think that you should be asking me about art. You may think otherwise considering my Sculpture design but in all honesty that wasn't really that impressive
hello, I wanted to ask a question if aizawa is slowly turning into an imposter (as he apparently says at the end of one of the fic's chapters) because of black's healing "power" does it mean that if someone could turn into an imposter by getting some blood from him, it will have "protagonist" imposters and background/irrelevant to the fanfiction? (a rather long question XD , but it will help me understand a little of what is happening)
no problem, if you want to have another wonderful chapter, it can take as long as you need
Feel free to do so anytime, I encourage it. And I hate to break it to you but the next chapter won't likely be coming anytime soon considering the amount of chapter remakes that's going alongside it
Ok, so. Hello there, first of all! Hope you're doing ok. Second of all, I have come to a revelation of sorts- Ok hear me out: In among us, the (I believe) canonical height of the amongi (as I call) are about 3 feet and 6 inches. Black, as seen in the mod, seems to be about double the normal height when compared to White in Double Kill. Ofc, they are seen in a sort of kneeling position but for this I'll just say double. So to calculate Black's height, it would be 3.6 x 2, or 3.6 + 3.6 when putting the height into numbers. And that equals 7.2. So in this context, Black canonically would be 7 feet and 2 inches tall. Which is kinda insane- Imagine seeing a 7 foot tall, jelly bean shaped organism roaming about the average street. That is taller than the average american man- (5.6 ft - 5.9 ft tall). Like holy sh*t- I could just be tripping major balls for no reason. But you can't tell me I tried- (And I remember, probably incorrectly, that Black in Black Sun is the height of someone around 15-16 years old? Which is 5.6 ft (Which is my height-). So if this is true (it probably isn't) that would mean Black in Black Sun is shorter than bean Black?) Help me, I need sleep-
@Aron_Zander Also- I imagine that when imps turn into their parasite, it would be about double their size (so about 10 ft. and some inches for Maroon and White) so para-Black would indeed be 14.4 ft.
@Aron_Zander Oh you KNOW I'm bout to lmfao at Grey being taller than White. Actually- It's either that, or me laughing about the fact that I'm irl taller than White- (5 feet, 6 and 1/2 inches If you remember.) Also Grey. Because, irl I am possibly the same age as, if not possibly a year younger than Grey, and I'm taller than him. And that's hella funny. Both of them would probably not hesitate with spilling my blood to the streets, but still- And by research Black would be about 5'11-6ft tall, since 'Lida' is 5'10-
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