
I have this fear. That one day, he'll wake up and not feel the same way like he does. I have had that happen to me. Where they tell you they love you, they tell you everything you are wanting to hear. Then, one day, they just wake up, and its all over. They don't have the same feelings for you like they once did. They don't have the interest in you like they did when one of you first said hi. It makes me worried that he may be walking down the halls at school one day, or walking down the street, or on social media, etc. And he sees this girl. He'll compare me to her and see what she has that I don't. He'll see more opportunities in her then he can with me. And I don't think I'm going to be prepared for that, no one ever really is. And I just don't want to loose something that is so dear to me, something that I love so much, wake up and realize that there is more out there than just me. Even though, I have tried so hard to show him that I am giving him all that I can.
          	It just sucks to be scared of something like that. Because you know that in this real world that we are forced to live in, things happen like that. I wish I could read minds sometimes. Because someone could be lying through their teeth to you, and you wouldn't even know. So, when he says he loves me, I don't know if he is meaning it or if he is just saying it because he knows that he will gain my trust. This constant fear that I can't get rid of makes me overthink, which isn't good for anyone. I'm not the best person, I have had my mistakes. I have done something that I never really should have done. But he says that he loves me, and he says that it doesn't matter what I have done. Or where I have been. Or what I have seen. As long as we both can love each other without any limit. But one day, there will be a limit. And...I don't want to wake up to that again. That call, that text, that person who said that they loved me and told me everything I wanted to hear, "Sorry, but it's over."


I have this fear. That one day, he'll wake up and not feel the same way like he does. I have had that happen to me. Where they tell you they love you, they tell you everything you are wanting to hear. Then, one day, they just wake up, and its all over. They don't have the same feelings for you like they once did. They don't have the interest in you like they did when one of you first said hi. It makes me worried that he may be walking down the halls at school one day, or walking down the street, or on social media, etc. And he sees this girl. He'll compare me to her and see what she has that I don't. He'll see more opportunities in her then he can with me. And I don't think I'm going to be prepared for that, no one ever really is. And I just don't want to loose something that is so dear to me, something that I love so much, wake up and realize that there is more out there than just me. Even though, I have tried so hard to show him that I am giving him all that I can.
          It just sucks to be scared of something like that. Because you know that in this real world that we are forced to live in, things happen like that. I wish I could read minds sometimes. Because someone could be lying through their teeth to you, and you wouldn't even know. So, when he says he loves me, I don't know if he is meaning it or if he is just saying it because he knows that he will gain my trust. This constant fear that I can't get rid of makes me overthink, which isn't good for anyone. I'm not the best person, I have had my mistakes. I have done something that I never really should have done. But he says that he loves me, and he says that it doesn't matter what I have done. Or where I have been. Or what I have seen. As long as we both can love each other without any limit. But one day, there will be a limit. And...I don't want to wake up to that again. That call, that text, that person who said that they loved me and told me everything I wanted to hear, "Sorry, but it's over."


So, I saw on the TV that Zayn Malik is taking a break from One Direction. I was on the ground crying for an hour, then I fell asleep crying. 1/5 of my lifesavers are taking a break from One Direction. "Its not like he quit the band!" You don't think I know that?! HE IS ONE OF THE FIVE BOYS WHO SAVED MY LIFE!!! I AM GOING TO BAWL MY EYES OUT, I AM GOING TO SCREAM, I AM GOING TO BE PÏŠŠËD, I AM GOING TO CRY SO MUCH THAT I FEEL LIKE I AM GOING TO THROW UP. IT HURTS LIKE HEŁŁ TO SEE ONE OF YOUR LIFESAVERS TAKE A BREAK FROM THE BAND BECAUSE OF STRESS FROM SOME FANS HAVE GIVEN HIM!!! MARCH 28, 2015 IS WHEN HE WILL BE BACK!! I DONT KNOW IF I CAN STOP THINKING ABOUT IT EVER!! THIS SHATTERED MY WORLD!! #HaveAGoodRestZayn I LOVE YOU SO FREAKING MUCH!!!


"You're not married, so you're still single." How in the world does that make sense? It doesn't have to matter what your relationship status is to know if you are single or taken. Its two ways, over all. If you know you love someone long enough, then you know if you are taken or not. I'm obviously not there yet to know if I am really taken or not, but I know that you can't define me by if I'm married or not. 14 or 34 or 54 or even 104. No matter what age, you get to determine if you are in love. That is your knowing. And you are the only one who can say what your relationship status is.


We all have been hurt. Parents leaving. Parents lying and torturing their child. Parents that tell their child that they have a sickness and force their child to admit that the child has a disease. People lying. Bullying. What ever the case, we all have been hurt. Many different ways, so don't compare your problems to others. And we all have compared our problems to others to try and "prove" that the other doesn't have it as bad. DON'T LIE TO YOURSELF!! We all have the equal amount of pain, even if some ways are worse than others. So when someone compares your problem to theirs, call them out. We all are at the same point of feeling pain. All at the same point on the scale. I wrote this to show that we may have our own ways of being hurt, but it's all the same. "Don't tell someone to be sad because others are sadder. That's like saying 'don't be happy because others are happier'."