Wattpad. I sat in my window. I was looking at another sunset. I felt tears running freely down my cheek. I let out a long and deep sob. Will he ever find me? Can he love me like this? I'm broken and scarred. I look at my wrists and study the deep cuts both new and old. I look at the bottle of pills on my dresser. I look in the mirror and feel a fresh stream of hot tears run down my face. Smearing my make up. I step out the window and onto the roof. I step to the edge. But I feel something screaming at me. Telling me not to jump. Telling me to wait. I sigh and step back and climb into my room once again. I look out the window before I shut it. I clean up my make up and change clothes. "If he won't find me. I'll find him." I say with determination. I get in my car and drive off. Looking. Hoping. For some sign of him. "I'm so stupid. I can't look everywhere for him. He could be anywhere." I sigh and feel myself getting more and more depressed each minute.