Going to cry I signed up for Religious Studies, I did NOT sign up for ethics and PHILOSOPHY?????
I have this exam in 7 hours and have not done ANYTHING for it until like Tuesday, and only started four of the eight topics today ✌️
Just realised I've gone radio silent for six months so how is everybody?
Praying for everyone doing exams rn they're such a struggle but I only have one left and hopefully I can get back to writing properly!!!
I used to struggle to write a page for literally anything. I'm now here with a half-finished chapter with a word count of 1321 after writing a 2 page English Lit essay which (for the first time ever) I was worried would be too long???
After literally a YEAR (I'm talking Wednesday era) I decided on a whim to start actually working on my OBX fic I had a ton of ideas for and never actually wrote... help...