
People, it's not funny to leave comments on my story falsely accusing me of belitling people with mental illness. I'm sick of all those trolls just not leavinn' the hell be, man. It's uncool.


Lite Anime Marathon Story Progress:
          Paradise City: 0/29
          Rebel: 0/36
          The Void Revolution: 0/28
          The Chronicles of Elsewhere: 1/24
          Lover: 0/17
          The Eagle Family Movie: 0/32
          Animator V.S. Animation: Into the AFGSVerse Season 1: 0/12
          Fight Against the 'Phobia: 0/30
          You're the A-Side to My B-Side: 2/30
          That's WAAAAAY too many unfinished books.


Lite Anime Marathon premieres in order:
          Paradise City
          The Void Revolution
          The Chronicles of Elsewhere
          The Eagle Family Movie
          Animator V.S Animation: Into the AFGSVerse Season 1
          The Manor Season 1
          Fight Against the 'Phobia
          You're the A-Side to My B-Side
          Lite Anime Marathon happeningSpetember 4th through September 13th!


I don't know why, because I just deleted everything on my message board and deleted everthing in the descriprion. I also got rid of the location, and the profile picture and backdrop, along with the name. I also unpublished all my stories.
          Hello, this is newly rebranded LeosandLibras speaking!
          So, since I've been on Tumblr so much, I have decided to change my name so it's makes more sense.
          Now, the reason I have stopped all production on all my stories, is because I haven't been into Warriors since 2019.
          Warriors was the thing of a 7th grade me.
          I'm starting High School!
          I have been working on other things in other fandoms.
          Namely AFGS.
          AFGS is a shorter way to put the four main fandoms I have been really into recently.
          I will still be active, but not much!
          I have also identified as LGBTQ in June, so you had better not be homophobic!
          Well, that's everything I had to say.


Yeah, I know.


@LeosandLibras Noooooooooooooooooo Warriors foreverrrrrrr.........