
Hi sweetheart! Sorry for shameless plugging, I would like to recommend my story "Flash of the sunset " I'm really sorry for posting on your timeline!I hope you're doing fine, and I hope you'll support my story! we should support each other if u don't mind. 
          This story is still on going. ˃̵ᴗ˂̵
          This story is about two people unable to leave their past,  even if it hurts for them but they have to stop loving each other, one day they see each other again, Geneviéve was surprised when she saw the man she loved the most when she was younger, Desmond.


Greetings! Maybe you have some spare time to visit my work. I would really appreciate it. 
          Good day everyone! Maybe you want to visit my work, I would really appreciate it.
          ¤ Title: Breaking the Promise
          ¤ Author: prlmnaomi_ 
          ¤ Wattpad link: 

          But I am also selling book covers for only 10 pesos. You can check this out. 
          ¤ Book cover samples: 
