
"On my business card, I am a corporate president,
          	In my mind, I am a game developer,
          	But in my heart, I am a gamer." 
          	~ Satoru Iwata
          	Rest in Peace, Mr Satoru Iwata. (1959-2015)
          	You may not be here anymore, but you will forever remain in the hearts of all Nintendo fans. <3




Yeah I know but I'm finally back ^_^ 


@ilovepit5 Hello Sky! It's been so long! 


Hi there! I just read your info thing and WE ARE SO ALIKE! I THINK PIT IS CUTE AND ADORABLE AS WELL! Soz for overreacting. I luv @NintendoFangirl's books as well! Soooooo fluffy! Your so lucky to have a friend like her! I really want to be an angel but... I'm just Author. Anyways, can you reply plz? I want to know what you think about me. Okey bai!


Aww, hello there dear!! I'm so glad to know we have a lot in common too!! ^__^ 
            And no no! Please don't apologize for your overreacting!! It's really cute~! :DD
            Oh yes!! Katrina's books and her personality are just so amazing~! <3 
            Aww, I'm sure you can become great friends with her too!! She's so amazing and friendly to get along with! And she's always there when you need her most!! ^__^ I definitely recommend you try talking to her~ 
            She's awesome~ :3 
            Aha, thank you for being such a sweetheart! 
            I think you're a really sweet girl and I'd love to have nice conversations with you whenever we can~ ^_^ 
            Your book covers also looks really amazing~ (I'll try reading them sometime~ :DD) 
            Thank you so much for taking your time to write on my wall~ <3 


Hi Milliah~ ^_^ 


"On my business card, I am a corporate president,
          In my mind, I am a game developer,
          But in my heart, I am a gamer." 
          ~ Satoru Iwata
          Rest in Peace, Mr Satoru Iwata. (1959-2015)
          You may not be here anymore, but you will forever remain in the hearts of all Nintendo fans. <3