
Actually been so long since I have been on Wattpad lol 


Hello author-chan I would like to know if you are going to continue with death note x ayanakoji cote? I'm really interested in this w I'm pretty surprised when I see that L asks ayanakoji out (if I'm not mistaken) I'm really curious if L would feel something more for ayanakoji if you know what I mean? by the way, I would really like to see his relationship with light (kira) 


I'm very happy to know that I made you interested in continuing this story! I really liked the plot and to think that L found ayanakoji interesting makes me look forward to the sequel! and it would be cool if ligth had death note i would like to know what his shinigami would look like 


@Hikkamarudemon Hello !! You might have revived my interest in this fic with this message, so I will try to ! I had already written most of the third chapter, so here we go I guess


Hi Author-san!
          Just wanna say that I love your fanfics, especially the ayanokouji x horikita
          Its a great story and I hope you'd always find the motivation to write despite your busy life
          Thanks btw author san


@ XanderPerd Thanks ^^ Well, I wouldn't say I have a busy life but that when it comes to writing, I struggle very hard and am very lazy lmaoo
            I might start a new one in a few weeks, I'll see about this


Anyone here interested in a COTE x Danganronpa fanfic ? I'll post it once I wrote it anyway, just wanted to ask (I'm only at the beginning of the writing process lmao)


@ ArtemisFowl_ye  j'ai pris pas mal de notes pour l'instant et j'ai commencé le prologue... Bon il reste encore énormément de boulot mdrr


@ ArtemisFowl_ye  En vrai, c'est un concept intéressant. Bon courage pour l'écriture de la fic
            Hâte de voir ça mdr 