
Here is the rest of what would have been 5 of the book. I would love some feedback.


I have been working on Crimson Butterfly, my piece for NanoWrimo this year. It is a story that I have been wanting to write for a while. Nothing is completely fleshed out but I would like some feedback good or bad as long as there are no rude comments. All of what would be Chapter One in my book is uploaded.


It's been so long since I have written anything on this account. Life has just gotten the best of me lately. Thinking of stopping this account and creating a fresh one. Even if I was to go time this one, everything I have written on here would be rewritten. I think making another account would be better


Wow, it has been so long since I have written on here, I almost wonder if I should the down my account. I want to write but with a daughter and work and school, I find the time is fleeting and even when I have the time to write I have so many writers block because I want to work on my old stories and finish them but there is so much that needs to be done to fix i don't even know where to start. I have just been feeling very discouraged and don't feel like there are really very many people that actually read my stories? Am I worng? I have no idea.


So i know that i have not been on here in a long.time, but i have been having a hard time finding time to write with having a new baby and was working as much as i could before i had her. Now that i am on maternity leave i would love to start writing again, but in the other habd all i want to do is scrap my book and start it completely over because it dodnt turn out like i wanted. But then again i dont cause i alreadybput so much time into it. I am still here though guys. Just jave some major.thinking to do. 


So I found out that I am having a baby girl. I have decided that I won't be working two jobs after the baby is born so I can have time with my baby. Hopefully then I will have time to finish what I have been trying to finish for a while now....a novel and maybe self publish it. We shall see lol. 


Trying so hard to update on everything. But between working trying to clean up my house and just not feeling good things are getting pushed aside. Really wishing I could find the motivation to finish my stories. Two of them are almost finished and one needs to be edited. :(


wow it has been a long time since I have been on here. I really am trying to get out my updates but work has been taking up all my time. I am hoping that I can get a day or two off that I can use to just work on a couple chapter updates. I have been seeing people adding my story Chaos to their reading lists and I really appreciate all the support. it means alot to me. Well that is all for now. Unfortunately I have to go back to work. Bye for now.