this message may be offensive
This is going to be a rant, so bear with me:
So yesterday, I was like at home, reading those bisexual memes (because I identify myself as bi) while I was studying math, when my dad came into my room. Usually, I would delete it soon, so I did because I was on a weird one. My dad saw it, and he demanded to see it. I kept saying no because I didn't want my parents to know I was bi, so I was like "Nope." and when he saw it, he was like “why the fucking hell do you identify yourself as bi?!” and he kept scolding me in so many bad words, and I had to control myself from crying. His problem was not that I was watching memes when I was supposed to be studying (which I was doing), his problem was the fact that I identify myself as bi? like WTF?! So this morning, we were in the car because I had to go to school, and then all of a sudden, he was like, “Let me check your history. I want to see how long you had been seeing these memes.” and I didn't want my dad to find out I had a Wattpad account and that my friends aren't what they wanted. Actually, they want me to be friends with a couple of popular girls (who are mean to me anyway) and when I said I already have different friends, they're like "Oh no!! They'll be the reason your education will get ruined!!!" like, WTF?! So, when I told my dad I've been seeing these memes since Oct. (a total lie, by the ways) My dad stated calling Homophobic slurs in the car, all the way to school. I had to keep myself from crying. When I reached school, I didn't even say bye to my dad, and I just an up the stairs because that's where my grade was. When I reached thee, I just cried. Like, why the hell are my parents like this? My best friends comforted me.
Sorry for this long rant, I just wanted to dump all of my frustration on to a website.