
 Good Evening (or morning) Readers! ‘Tis i, #ArticulateWriter! I’ve returned with a new story (again, yes I’m cray cray for starting a new story; how’s that not anything all brand new) and it’s about a much beloved character wanting more from life than being a total badass. I know in my message from 2 months ago that i was going to do the story from Chicago PD; i still am... just not right now. I’m stuck on where to go from here in this junction of the story and till i get unstuck, it’s in hiatus. Other than that, nothing much to report. Till next time. 
          	OXOX -A


 Good Evening (or morning) Readers! ‘Tis i, #ArticulateWriter! I’ve returned with a new story (again, yes I’m cray cray for starting a new story; how’s that not anything all brand new) and it’s about a much beloved character wanting more from life than being a total badass. I know in my message from 2 months ago that i was going to do the story from Chicago PD; i still am... just not right now. I’m stuck on where to go from here in this junction of the story and till i get unstuck, it’s in hiatus. Other than that, nothing much to report. Till next time. 
          OXOX -A


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  Greetings Readers! If you’re just following my journey, i welcome you to my literary harem. Feel free to pull up a chair and browse through my slim pickings of a library. And for those who have been sticking with me through the shit I’ve been writing (and the creative catharsis that i’ve put myself through as well), thank you for your continued support.
            As previously stated in my previous message from a month ago, I’ve started another story with a “Chicago” twist. And of course, it’s to feature the beloved desk sergeant of whom has become the heart and soul of District 21. As i’ve been able to watch a fuck-ton of reruns on USA, OXYGEN and ION, I’ve managed to pick up a thing or two about my leading lady and so far, i’ve come to highly adore her (as well as her portrayer) and with this story, i hope you enjoy another layer of what could be a potential storyline if it could fit the show. Keep reading and enjoy! 


this message may be offensive
  Hello All! it’s you’re lovely writer and resident slacker, AM. (A new anagram I’ve decided to pick up so no judgement plz). Anywho, I’ve been up and down, and all around with shit from working to family gatherings and general boredom, but here’s what I know of writing: 
          -My MSNBC/NBC News story is in limbo because a) the love interest to the main character (me) is now married to her co-worker in RL, and while it’s been interesting to write, it’s also been weird. Chapter 4 is where I’ll keep it till i can muster muse for Chapter 5.
          -My KB-AB story is on standby as well because I’ve gathering my muse that’s been scattered all around the literary floor. That’s not to say that it won’t be written. I just have to refresh my muse for the story.
          -And of course, there’s been another and still new story I’ve been working on. It’s stems from my new love of the NBC show Chicago PD. It feels like i’m just getting to know this show and the characters via reruns and watching different seasons here and there. It’s especially interesting to write a story around a specific character that i still feel i have yet to unfold like an onion, but it should be fun. Till then, I’m out. -AM


Greetings and Happy (albeit way late) New Year! 
          Well, i told myself that i wouldn’t continue the AUP story (and technically I’m not) but instead, I’ve decided to “pick up pieces” of Avery’s broken heart and show her recovery, which will also include her new love and marriage to one Katherine H.Beckett. This story and my political love story are back to back, so get ready for simultaneous stories my loves. 


          My god, it's been far too long since I've last written a message here and let me just say i'm such a pathetic bitch, but i'll be making up for it. As i've written from a year ago, I've written a new story as seen in my profile and it's been going well with this new political climate we're enduring. 
          For those who've read the story so far, the protagonist was an intern for NBC/MSNBC and, after a few missteps, had left to regroup. Cue to 2017/2018 and she finds herself yearning for the exciting city life she once had. Well, immediately following after chapter 1, chapter 2 is... well you can read it for yourself and form an opinion. As always, follow, read, review and comment!


Greetings! As my previous post stated, i've started a new story. It's a story about a woman whose making a return to the job and city she had to leave behind to take care of personal responsibilities. This story takes place six years after she originally joined the network in question and she's reuniting with someone she cares about the most. 
          The current political situation we've found ourselves in has rekindled my love for the network and as a result, has rekindled my muse for the story i had written enough to continue it. Now, just to clarify that chapter one is heavy on the sex and lesbian tones, so if you're offended by such subject matter, this might not be the story for you. When i get down to posting the first chapter, feel free to read and comment on what you like/dislike. 


Hey everyone! I'm sorry to say that as of this moment, I'm going to be putting the AUP Chronicles on hiatus as I've completely lost my muse for it. Fortunately, I've started a new story to put in it's place but I promise that if I reignite my muse, I'll revive it but in the meantime, Chapter 6 is where the story will end for now. Thank you.


Hey all! So, I know it's been quite awhile since my last chapter had been written and for that, I completely apologize. Two reasons spring to mind and they sorta intersect each other. One being that the Emily Prentiss inspired in this story is the one who inspired the RP's that myself and her writer had been doing on Twitter (as explained in the debuting chapter) but unfortunately, she ended up leaving the account behind to kick some ass in RL, so I had lost the muse in recovery from that devastating wake of events. 
          Two and this could be a doozy: I not only lost the muse to write this story further, but I also lost track of the events of the RP story from Twitter. My RL is also taxing as I work Monday through Friday and the last thing i thought about doing was updating the story but I digress. 
          Enjoy! Oxox