Okay I know some authors right it as a way for trauma for their characters but honestly I'm sick of seeing it so much r@pe is not a story plot it's an actual problem and half the stories I've read start off great and then *BAM* out of nowhere *it* happens to the character! It honestly is starting to make me sick especially when they don't put a warning that it's gonna happen in the story! If you write for it to happen or has happened then that's your story but 5 stories in the past 3 days have had it in the plot with no warning! I'm kinda getting tired of it!

And I know some of you are gonna say "Well if you see the description says mentions of r@pe then don't read it" and I don't but it's the stories that don't say anything about it being in the story nor do they give a warning before it happens! It makes me sick