Who are the 18 friends you can't ever forget in your life? Message this to those 18 like I just did. Let's see how many messages you get back! Start sending - Be honest! Only 18! I value you ^-^ Today is world promise day... I promise you that I won't forget you in my life. Send this to all your friends whom you won't forget in your whole life. ^-^

Oooh tough question! 1. Oliver 2. Grace 3. Sarah 4. Brynn 5. Averie 6. Keira 7. Ellyn 8. Amanda 9. Gavin 10. Dylan 11. Olivia 12. Claire 13. Madison 14. Ethan 15. Landon 16. Sophia 17. Grace 18. Ella A lot of these ppl I’m not friends with anymore but I remember I thought we would be friends for a long time