
As much as I don't agree with the whole Valentine's Day nonsense.... Happy Valentine's Day everyone. Just remember, every day should be more magical, awe-inspiring, captivating and thrilling as the previous. Make sure you do things for/with your other half just because that day ends in Y. No other reason is needed. Just 'cause makes things even more special. Have a blast either way! Caio! 


As much as I don't agree with the whole Valentine's Day nonsense.... Happy Valentine's Day everyone. Just remember, every day should be more magical, awe-inspiring, captivating and thrilling as the previous. Make sure you do things for/with your other half just because that day ends in Y. No other reason is needed. Just 'cause makes things even more special. Have a blast either way! Caio! 


Happy New Year everyone! My wish is for you all to have a prosperous 2018. Do something you've never done before (whether it be something that's scared you or just something you've dreamed of doing) at least once... Who knows, going out of your comfort zone at times can be enlightening as well as fulfilling. My mantra is "Fall 7, Rise 8" (it's tattooed on my left side even). You can fall down 7 times so long as you get up 8. Caio!


Hi there! I just wanted to say thanks so much for following me, and I hope you're enjoying my books, if you're reading them already. ;)
          Have a good rest of your day!


@Amarisa162 Hi! I actually thought I had been following you for a while now. Whoops. Lol. I have The Reaper ready to read once I finish my current distraction. I look forward to delving into your works! - Sawyer