Hey, life has been hectic lately and my mental health went downhill So I will have to delay my books further. I'll try to update Silenced soon, sorry for the delay on the books, hope you all take care and stay safe!
Hey, life has been hectic lately and my mental health went downhill So I will have to delay my books further. I'll try to update Silenced soon, sorry for the delay on the books, hope you all take care and stay safe!
I will add some of my discontinued books. But if it is enjoyable and good enough. I won't mind continuing them but most will be rewritten into new versions since my writing has changed overtime. But enjoy!
I hoped to update some of the books soon but soon some conflict in life approached unexpectedly. So I will have to postpone the work for a few months, especially since I cannot write in December.
Sincerest apologies, Arya Rayne.