
When  are  you  going  to  publish a new chapter  of the guy  in crimson  tie? Its really good so thank you for it and I hope for a new chapter please!! 


@ wishfrom16  thank you and take your time but yes hopegully soon


@wishfrom16 thank U for reading my story, I've been caught up recently but I'm working on it 
            So, hopefully soon there will be new chapters!  


Hey I got you from Facebook please follow me back and check out my works


Twitter? You should get it! I share my quotes on Facebook Instagram and twitter 


@Creativecolette  no instagram unfortunately


@aryaTG okay and thanks a lot! Do you have Instagram xx


Hello aryaTG!  I'm starting an interview and review of books and authors. So they can get their name out there. I was wondering if you would like to be interviewed... If you would I would basically email you some questions and you answer them to the best of you ability. I then make a chapter of my interview/review book about you. What do you think??? If not that is completely fine.


@stitchergirl 6-not really , I prefer writing without much distraction around . However , I like to enjoy some songs when I'm editing my stories . 
            7-when some good idea jumps intomy head , I run the whole scene in my head then write it down and so the story goes on.
            8- yes SHOUTOUT to ( 2writegirl ) she's the first to read and vote for my story . She's a lovely writer and fan. 
            9- well, in real life I would choose truth , but if you call this game Dauntless or Candor I'd say DAUNTELSS . I'm a huge divergent fan . 
            10- when I started writing I just found some great ideas form inside my head and I couldn't stop thinking about them so I  found myself pouring down words endlessly .I just couldn't stop . I love it and I enjoy it so I want to share the pleasure of my stories with other people . With alot of encouragement I published on wattpad and facebook but I dream of publishing paper books and see what reaction my stories might bring . 
            11-Favorite color is green and ( Crimson ) . I love nature and Crimson is just strong . 
            12- hmmm hobbies , I enjoy plenty of things,  I like Karaoke because I admire music so I love to sing . Reading of course ( not sure if it's a hobby because it's an essential thing). Learning new languages and cultures  . Everything that is unusual and exotic


@stitchergirl 1- life . Everything about life is inspirational , I create characters and live through them , like I can do the things I want and be the person I want just by writing those stories . I create characters I wish I never encounter in real life and abou the ones I would love to have . I also have to say music plays a great part . In brief if I ever wondered what might happen If I go and try something I just write a story and see how it goes and what ending might be waiting , possibilities to be precise . 
            2 - since I only published one on wattpad so far I would say it's the Jane Watson from " the guy in Crimson tie " . 
            3-other than my story . Well, it's( Shawn Mendes. You promised ). 
            4-favorite author is Jeffery Deaver . He's beyond brilliant. 
            5-thriller/mystery all about crimes and investigations . 


@stitchergirl  Hello , I'm really sorry for the delay but I had some trouble with my e.mail