
Gonna try using a writing aid for the next chapter, to hopefully keep things organized. Wish me luck!


I am working on the next chapter of 'What If', but there are format issues to deal with. I will update it eventually.  
          On another note, I never really came up with a name for my story. Any ideas? I'd be interested to hear them.


Does anyone else have experience with brain monkeys? These are words or thoughts that latch on and refuse to let go. 
          For me, it's often words I recall at random with no clear idea of their use or meaning. Often, no idea why the damn thing suddenly popped into my head, either.  
          Ex: Saturnine. 
          This one word prompted a whole thought spiral that actually lasted a couple of days.  I still don't remember what the ducking word truly means. 9,9 


*sigh* so troublesome. I  still need to go thru the anime again to refresh my memory on several things before I try to work out what I want to do with the plot of my story. And work is being an annoyance, as usual.  
          Hopefully I can get in some writing time soon.