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Hey my lovely people! It's been almost a year since I've been on hear, I believe. It felt so weird to scroll through my account for the first time in forever and to read all my old conversations in my inbox and comments, it made me miss being so active on this account even more. I love y'all dearly and I hope y'all still here with me even though it's been almost a year lol. I would love to get back into Tattooed Heart because I kept thinking about deleting it but I just couldn't bring myself to do it because of how much happiness the story brought me to write about it.....sooo I've decided that I'm gonna start back fresh with updating TH again. I don't wanna make any promises that I will continue to update from this point forward but I will definitely try, but I want y'all to understand that it is gonna be hard because I am gonna be a Junior after this summer passes. On top of that, I've decided that since SOOO much shit has changed in both the Ariana and Harry fandom, that I will update it and make it more current so that includes me changing alot of the future parts I had planned and maybe the title, idk about the title for sure but I most definitely will make it a little more current because of how much has changed in the past two years. I guess that's all I got to say for now, I love y'all and if you're still here for me then be ready for an update. I'd love to hear comments on the update also. I love you guys, byeee! (: