
Oh shoot happy Pride Month!! Don't let Pride Month get in the way of spreading the news of George Floyd and continuing the protests. Black lives matter, and we need to stand with our black siblings. If you can't donate, continue to spread the word on social media and don't make this about you! That's all I've got, so, yeah!


Oh shoot happy Pride Month!! Don't let Pride Month get in the way of spreading the news of George Floyd and continuing the protests. Black lives matter, and we need to stand with our black siblings. If you can't donate, continue to spread the word on social media and don't make this about you! That's all I've got, so, yeah!


Hey! It's been a while but, I'm back. For now, anyways. My description has some stuff to get people caught up if they care, but if not, that's chill too! I'm just existing here and doing my best for as long as my health will allow me. It's good to be back ^-^


this message may be offensive
I feel so bad for my parents. Some information on me: I'm absolutely terrified of spiders. Always have been. And during the summer they get in the house sometimes. So it's midnight and I get up to get a drink. On the way back from the kitchen I pass the bathroom and what do I see? A spider. And not just a normal sized spider, this one is HUGE. I'm actually crying and freaking the fuck out because it's a spider and everyone one else is a sleep, so I make the decision to run to my parents room and wake up my mom to kill it.
          I am teenager. I ran to get my mom to kill a spider while crying actual tears.
          Yeah she was pissed.


@ZanechanAndAarmau005 that’s worse than my 11 year old sister