Hi I thought I commented but I’m new to this so maybe I did it wrong! Will you be updating your Loki and Iron man story? I loved it! It was mental, but brilliant :) xxx
@LovetheseasonsLala Oh man! I haven't looked at that in so long, but I'm glad you enjoyed it! You've inspired me to go look at it, maybe I'll think of something! Thank you so much <3
Do you have an account on any other website that you post your works to? It would help with the problem of Wattpad making things private without you being able to fix it. Also, love your work that I've read so far!
@LaneBrewster Yes and thank you very much! You can find all my works on Fanfiction.net (I have way more on there than here) under the name HisAsgardianAngel and you can also find me as BilbosFavoriteDragon on Archive of Our Own