
@The-Red-Hood The oncoming guard, comes around the corner to see you drive away, raising an eyebrow and reporting it in on his radio. He then turns back around and continues his sentry route.


          "No, we wouldn't," he smiled. The route he would guide them through would've been the shortest, most linear one, as it would let them arrive in the land the quickest. The distractions would be few in number, and Mercer would every time advise for them to not digress.
          Some hours later, their arrival would be marked by the sight of a vast field of  ribcage-high grass bordering a form of road intersection. Mercer would point out across the field, where one of the road's directions would eventually lead to after a deep bend. "There is Ashburn." The city would have the walls of a stone fort, though plenty of the taller structures could easily be seen.
          In the other direction was the border of the mountain range, the road winding and turning through a form of valley path, that would eventually lead to a tall and steep cliff face, which had it's base not incredibly far from the city. "Most likely, the bandits would remain outside the city until time to attack, so as to not arouse unnecessary suspicion. We actually have a few different options moving forward, if we think about it." He said it in a bit of realization. At this time, the sun was just about done tucking itself behind the mountains, giving a fading illumination to the grey clouds above.


            "Hmm," Red sort of hummed, nodding her head at what he said as she followed him, "Well, know that you're always welcome to rest in the place thats being having built now." 
            Red had no problem with sharing her new place. If anything it meant less time being spent being lonely. More interraction. 
            "As for further work, any bounties in mind?" She'd ask, glancing over to him as she asked. She'd then stick her hands into the pockets of her sweats, and begin fiddling with piled fabric and picking at any possibly built up lint. 


            Mercer slowly shortened his gait to a halt, with a tilt of the head back towards the city entrance. He would then turn his shouders and waist, beginning to reply, "I'll be pursuing further more work for some time, most likely." He expected her to turn with him to begin the trek back to the Land of Stories. The bard enchantment already began working at his legs to make his pace quicken unknowingly. "I might find somewhere to stay as well for a short period, but inevitably I'll be on the move again."


            Just out of curiosity, when she saw him look to the sky, so would she. After a few seconds though, she woukd look back to in front of her as she walked. 
            "I don't like lavish things. They're too vain for me. I never really had much want for such things. When I was younger I was too into playing in the mud and catching earth worms to care," she chuckled. 
            "I think I'll probably just return some time soon to pick up a few more sets of clothing. For now though, I believe I'll head to the workers. Show them where to build or find a place where they think they can build. As far as I know, theres not much I think I'll need otherwise. probably get some toiletries once the house is built," she then added, continuing on in her walk, "Where are you headed off to?"


          Red would pull out the cell phone that Mercer had given her when it gave her a notification. she would flick it open and after a few moments of trying to figure out how to upen the map, she would get it. She looked at all the possible routes on the map, then at him as she listened to his explanation. "well lets hope we don't come across any unnecessary stops. Wouldn't want to be too late to catch them now would we?" she chuckled. 
          this was likely going to be the most excitement she had had in a long while. She was hoping to be able to enjoy it, even if it meant possible injury and in worst case scenario, death. she was looking forward to this.


@The-Red-Hood  took a back ally when the chase started to cut you off i now go at full speed coming out you the same dirctoin as your going i click a botting on my bike shooting a smoke pellet and tiny tire poping spikes"


Look at how I got into the bat cave bro


I'm in a cave?