
Hey everyone. I'm back! It's been so long and I'm so excited that I am finally back and writing and reading stories. Feel free to dm me if you want to talk because I will have a conversation with anyone of you. I missed you guys so much!


Hey everyone. I'm back! It's been so long and I'm so excited that I am finally back and writing and reading stories. Feel free to dm me if you want to talk because I will have a conversation with anyone of you. I missed you guys so much!


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rant continued...
          So, back to the military, it may not be a monetary cost we are paying, but we are paying in a different way. HUMAN LIVES!! I'm sick and tried of everyone always saying that the military is not a big sacrifice. ITS A HUGE FUCKING SACRIFICE YOU DUMBASS!!! There is no way you will ever convince me that the military is so easy. How about we give you a gun and see what you do when you are on the front line. I can guarantee that you will be scared as fuck and not know what to do. I bet your whole view on the military will be changed. Ever since my cousin left for South Korea, I have been having problems with depression and anxiety. I believe that I hid it pretty well. I would always go to my cousin if I needed anything, and now that it's not so easy to get in contact with him, I have no outlet. So, to the people say that the military is not a big sacrifice, *shows middle finger*. My cousin has been put on alert for war not once, not twice, but three times!! THREE FUCKING TIMES!! I could loose my cousin who has been like my brother to me!! So, once again, think before yo say anything!! one of my favorite quotes from a song about the military "No greater honor than to lay down ones life for a friend"
          So that ends my rant. thanks to all who listened! And, if you feel the same why I do, write "freedom is not free" on your wrists everyday. I'm going to do it. thanks everyone!! love you all!!


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Okay everyone! it's going to be one of my rants again.....I apologize in advance for the language I'm about to use. 
          So, people who go to my school, I don't know if you have heard it, but it has been coming up a lot in my classes. I walk paused groups of people, and they are constantly saying this.... "freedom is free" and "it's not that big of a sacrifice to join the military" or even "Freedom doesn't cost anything but lives. that's not that big of a deal". yep, I've heard it all. Now, if you all haven't heard, my whole family comes from the military. My dad was in the Army. my pap was in the Navy along with all of his brothers. My one cousin is currently serving overseas in South Korea, and his brother is going into the Navy when he graduates this coming year. Now, let me get one thing straight. I don't fucking care if you have your opinions about the military. keep them to your fucking self. And, freedom is not free. If men and women are dying at was to save us, freedom is NOT FUCKING FREE!!! Now, we of you are probably saying, "well, if God was real, He would save these people from dying and just give us freedom". Listen here ya little stupid mofo. God gave humans free will!! He let us choose where and how we laid out our lives. When Adam and Eve denied God, sin was put into the world. God helps us along the way, but if He gave us everything we needed or wanted, our life would be perfect. Life is not supposed to be easy!! 


okay, so I know most of you probably don't care, but I feel that there is way too much hate on Riker, Ross, Rocky, and Ryland's girlfriends. I love Riker with all of my heart, and it sometimes kills me to know that my last name will never be Lynch, but Riker is happy with Savannah, and if Riker is happy, then I am happy. I have these stupid little fantasies that if I ever meet R5, Riker will fall in love with me. first of all, I'm not the most prettiest girl. And second, I'm like a decade younger than him. They do say the age is overrated, but not by that much. so, please stop hating on their girlfriends. they are really great girls. I support anything They do, and if our boys are happy, then we should all be as well


@Rikers_angel9102 preach girl I'm with ya even though I'm a total rikers girl if he's happy I'm happy