I'm sorry this is a rant but it seems like some authors don't understand what an (x reader) is so allow me to tell you what it is not .It's NOT choosing a name for the reader because if you give the reader a name that has changed the book to a (x oc/original character). It's NOT choosing features for your reader if it is not for a magical or being reasons that is would make it an oc not a reader. An (X READER) IS THE READER CHOOSING THEIR NAME ,HAIR COLOR, SKIN COLOR ( I'm a black girl and don't really like that when I read they say I'm pale or cream color. Let's include all colors please) EYE COLOR, AND THEIR LAST NAME . That is what an (x READER) is please don't put (character x reader ) if you are choosing how the reader looks and a name.
Sorry for the rant but it was really bothering me as well as others either put the correct tittle as (blank x oc) or let the reader choose their own look and name