@BrigadeOfBirds Hehehehe Loudam sounds like speakers or something. If you just look at it. :p You deserve the kindness. TO MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE!!! Spewing random stuff again..... So hyper. Adisa totally sounds like a girls name though. Lodam sounds more... Manly? Uh. But they're both totally better than mine. I wonder why my brain doesn't function that way..... ;( Yeah we could have a strictly chocolate eclair party and get hyper with the sugar in them. Wonder what it'd be like...... Haha when you revive it you'll sure get many cheers! YAY!!! The laptop might be hibernating though. In the middle of the year. It doesn't make sense.... lol. Good luck with thattttt!!!!! 


@BrigadeOfBirds Hehehehe Loudam sounds like speakers or something. If you just look at it. :p You deserve the kindness. TO MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE!!! Spewing random stuff again..... So hyper. Adisa totally sounds like a girls name though. Lodam sounds more... Manly? Uh. But they're both totally better than mine. I wonder why my brain doesn't function that way..... ;( Yeah we could have a strictly chocolate eclair party and get hyper with the sugar in them. Wonder what it'd be like...... Haha when you revive it you'll sure get many cheers! YAY!!! The laptop might be hibernating though. In the middle of the year. It doesn't make sense.... lol. Good luck with thattttt!!!!! 


You are so so kind to me!:D Louidam? Hmmm, I haven't really thought about it...I suppose it could be Adisa or Lodam or...I have noooo idea ahaha! Louidam sounds cool like a product, get the latest Loudam! And man, chocolate eclairs are the bomb. I could eat 20 in one sitting I'm sure :P I'm not sure when the updates will be coming in as my laptop has recently died a tragic death but I'll try my best to get a couple more up once rewrite them :P xx


@BrigadeOfBirds You're totally welcome. I would vote for it more than once if I could. IF ONLY I COULDDD....... I LOOOOVE YOUR STORRYYYYYYYYY!!!!! Do they have a couple name? I think it'd sound weird if it was something like Louidam... I'm no good at those though. BTW I LOVE CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS!!!!! They're so awesomeee! That was totally random.....