
Ayo. So you guys know the new story? Yeah, so as it turns out, that thing is getting updated so slowly. I know it may not seem like it, but it is. You see we originally started a day before the story got posted here on Wattpad, but there's seriously so much stuff that it needs to get caught up on. I've keeping track of everything that's happened in the RP on a Google Doc, and the thing's over 100 pages already. There really isn't any use to this post, I just thought that was funny, lol.


Ayo. So you guys know the new story? Yeah, so as it turns out, that thing is getting updated so slowly. I know it may not seem like it, but it is. You see we originally started a day before the story got posted here on Wattpad, but there's seriously so much stuff that it needs to get caught up on. I've keeping track of everything that's happened in the RP on a Google Doc, and the thing's over 100 pages already. There really isn't any use to this post, I just thought that was funny, lol.


OMG!?!? IS THAT Ash_Dranne!?!??!?!?!? NOT CLICKBAIT???? For real though, I am so sorry that I haven't posted last month or this month. Let's just say that I've had a little bit of writer's block and a giant lack of motivation. I know that you guys most likely don't even see these things that I write here. But still. I'm sorry. I'm trying my best, and I thank you guys for not asking me repeatedly when the next chapter is coming out. I've decided to not announce what my schedule is going to be simply because of how my mind works. Anyways, I'm sorry again and I hope that everybody has a nice rest of your day/morning/afternoon/evening/etc. (PS, super excited about the new Bendy game. Been a fan of it about since it came out)


Guys, I just got 12 sets of D&d dice, 84 dice/die all together. All for only 12 US dollars!! AHHHHHHHHHH 
          Anyways, now that news is out of the way. I recently got into The Kane Chronicles and have been binge reading the series, lol. So that's fun. Also, this month is The Necromancer of London for updating, so look forward to that. Happy spooky month, and have a nice rest of  your day/morning/afternoon/evening/etc!!


Ayo, everybody!! If you haven't noticed already, on Friday (I think) last week, I posted the next chapter on Cal's Dimension Dilemma. I know, I know. "But Dranne! Now that you've posted this, what's going to happen with The Necromancer of London?" And to that I say; Shush. I have decided on a posting schedule that you guys are most likely going to hate me for. I shall alternate on posting both of my main stories. This month is Cal's Dimension Dilemma, next month, The Necromancer of London, then CDD (Cal's Dimension Dilemma), and so on. I don't have a set schedule with how many chapters that I'll post every month for each story. That will continue being a posting when I'm able to type of thing (due to me not wanting to put any additional stress on my mental health). However, I can promise one thing. I will always post at least 1 chapter every month for each respected story. Now, as for another question that most people probably weren't wondering, but I'll be saying anyways. The reason why I haven't really been online on Wattpad as of lately is because I was taking a break. Partially to work on my mental health, partially because school started back for me recently, and because I recently got into the Rick Riordan books (mostly The Kane Chronicles) so I took some time to read my new books as well. Thank you to everybody who has (hopefully) stuck around this long despite the many hiccups along the way. I shall not be saying anything else for multiple reasons. 1; I don't really have enough space to fit anything else, 2; I don't exactly know what to say, and 3; I will be posting this on one of my other stories as a chapter in case people don't want to read this, lol. Anyways, thank you for reading this far. Have a nice rest of your day/morning/afternoon/night/evening/etc.


Welp. That promise was short lived-


Ok, so. I just got out of school for the weekend, and one of the first things I see is that Origins has officially ended. I just wanted to say a few words now that I know this information.
          1: I am so glad I got to experience the wonderful stories that were being made first hand.
          2: I might be upset at this newly learned fact, however I'm also glad that it has ended. As somebody else said (I can't remember who that person is for the life of me-), Origins was becoming more of a job than a Minecraft Roleplay that was done for fun. So I'm glad the creators are able to move onto things that they enjoy more.
          3: I want to thank all of the Origins creators for creating such amazing content that helped me get through tough times. Whenever I felt like I wanted to cry, I would go watch ActualBoatNose's old videos for comfort. Whenever I needed a good laugh, I would check FourohFourEntertainment's videos. I'm still watching other people's POV's in Origins to find more information.
          I will still be continuing my stories, and I welcome anybody new who is reading the fanfics for memories and happens to find some of my stories. I am glad that you were able to find my page. I am going to keep doing my stories like how I plan for them to go, and I hope that this fandom doesn't go dead like others once the source material has ended. I really enjoy this fandom and the content it has made. I wish everybody in this fandom (and those who had left it) the best of luck in their life and finding a new source of comfort.
          Bye, everybody. I hope to update soon.
          Yours truly,


this message may be offensive
Ayo everyone. So I just started school again today. I think my schedule that I had over the Summer is kinda fucked over now. I don't think I can keep a continuous posting schedule. I believe that I will just be posting whenever I have the motivation to work on The Necromancer of London. Trust me, I really want to continue working on it so I can go ahead and get the next chapter out so I can continue the story, but I don't have the motivation to do so. Think of it like will without motivation. I was hoping that I would be able to keep up this schedule of posting every other Saturday, but now that school is starting again, I don't think I'm able to. I'm sorry. I promise, I'll try my best to post as often as I can. Don't worry, it's not going to be like Cal's Dimension Dilemma (I am still working on that every once in awhile, though, so it hasn't gotten completely untouched). Anyways, I want to thank everybody for still sticking with my constantly changing my updating schedule and I hope you all enjoy the next chapter whenever that comes out! Again, I'm so sorry everybody.


!!TW for talk of death and cancer!!
          Hey, guys. So, Technoblade has lost his battle to stage 4 cancer. You don't have to know who he was, but he was a youtuber that despite me not watching him too often, I still enjoyed. I know that I've just now actually started updating again, but I will not be posting anything this week as respect to him and his family. Rest in peace, Technoblade, you deserve to. o7


Guys, it's finally done. The Necromancer of London is finally going to be starting back up. It now has a planned out storyline. I'm planning for there to be about 32-33 chapters. However, now it is time for the trigger warnings, because they are definitely going to be needed.
          -A lot of talk about death (But I mean, what did you expect in a book about necromancy)
          -Bars, drunk people (Although, I'm not really that good at portraying drunk people in literature)
          -Suicidal thoughts
          -Graphic depictions of violence
          -Major character death (MCD)
          This is all I can think of at the moment, but the trigger warnings will be put at the beginning of the chapter that they occur in. I will now be trying to update once a week on Saturday, however it might sometimes be on Sunday because of life things. I hope everyone enjoys the story~


Alright, everyone! I'm over halfway done with the plotpoint sheet for The Necromancer of London! It's been going a lot slower than expected.. But! I can tell you that it gets a lot more exciting and lore filled the more the story goes on! I just need you guys to stick with me through the first few chapters because they are a lot slower paced than the rest of the story. I can only hope that you guys will be able to sit through the long waiting period. I want the story to be the absolute best that it can so that you guys can all enjoy it to its fullest potential! I promise it will be well worth the wait.
          However, I will say that I hope you guys keep a lookout for when I make announcements because one of them will have all of the content warnings and trigger warnings for the story. (And trust me, if the story doesn't change for what I have planned for the moment, then you will probably need the content warning and trigger warnings.) Well, that's all for now! I want to thank anyone who read this far, and I hope you all look forward for when the story finally continues!