Ayo, everybody!! If you haven't noticed already, on Friday (I think) last week, I posted the next chapter on Cal's Dimension Dilemma. I know, I know. "But Dranne! Now that you've posted this, what's going to happen with The Necromancer of London?" And to that I say; Shush. I have decided on a posting schedule that you guys are most likely going to hate me for. I shall alternate on posting both of my main stories. This month is Cal's Dimension Dilemma, next month, The Necromancer of London, then CDD (Cal's Dimension Dilemma), and so on. I don't have a set schedule with how many chapters that I'll post every month for each story. That will continue being a posting when I'm able to type of thing (due to me not wanting to put any additional stress on my mental health). However, I can promise one thing. I will always post at least 1 chapter every month for each respected story. Now, as for another question that most people probably weren't wondering, but I'll be saying anyways. The reason why I haven't really been online on Wattpad as of lately is because I was taking a break. Partially to work on my mental health, partially because school started back for me recently, and because I recently got into the Rick Riordan books (mostly The Kane Chronicles) so I took some time to read my new books as well. Thank you to everybody who has (hopefully) stuck around this long despite the many hiccups along the way. I shall not be saying anything else for multiple reasons. 1; I don't really have enough space to fit anything else, 2; I don't exactly know what to say, and 3; I will be posting this on one of my other stories as a chapter in case people don't want to read this, lol. Anyways, thank you for reading this far. Have a nice rest of your day/morning/afternoon/night/evening/etc.